Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For the love of Elephants

So since moving to Africa I have been mildly obsessed with Elephants. As much as I liked them before, I mean who can't like an Elephant, there's something about seeing where they are fun that brings it home- granted you don't see a lot of elephants in Nigeria; however, I have been watching a lot of documentaries about Kenya.... and I watched 'Out of Africa' the other night and cried for about a billion hours as a result.... anyways, I digress. Elephants, majestic sensitize, family orientated and just so gosh darn cute.....

Que Pop Magazine's spring/summer 2011 editorial aptly named 'elephant. Shot by Sean and Seng, styled by Tamara Rothstein (the amazing and ever so talented fashion editor and sometime stylist at Pop) and featuring Samantha Gradoville. This editorial is just too poignant not to share.