Wednesday, February 22, 2012

LFW F/W 2012: Burberry- the clothes.... oh the clothes

Luckily for me, after the disappointment of LFW's Mulberry show there was Burberry. I have already expressed my love and adulation for their accessories but I thought that the clothes themselves deserved a post that was entirely their own. 

The beauty of the show was in it's understated, yet inherent femininity.Gone were the exagerated silhouettes of F/W 2011 and the bright pops of color. In their place was a feminine silhouette defined by deep colors. Purples, blues, browns, gold and greens were the name of the game and they were expressed in textiles which allowed for the colors to best express the textures and tones of the garments. Corduroys, wools, velvet, taffetas and cotten were intersected within the garments. In fact, every garment was characterized by both its mix of color and also texture. Stripes of various widths were used throughout the collection with the only true print being the image of an owl which was placed on the t-shirts.

It was the perfect collection for winter. A perfect exhibition of why Christopher Bailey is so successfully transforming this stalwart of a fashion house and a reminder of what Burberry is now, what it was and what it can be.