Saturday, May 21, 2011

Issa Capsule Collection for Net A Porter

So Net- A- Porter, the online luxury fashion retailer (or as I like to refer to it, the reason why I find the 8th of every month- the date that my credit card is due... and the day immediately after the date on which I receive my salary... to be the so stressful of every month), has been gifted by Issa with its exclusive capsule collection of lace frocks. 

When I heard this and saw the pictures below I was filled with instant trepidation. At $918- $1150 a pop, the question of how many months salary would it take me to possess them all (math was never my strong suit) became one of the larger considerations in my shopping obsessed life.

So when the dresses finally arrived on Net A Porter this week I was filled with glee, although it was fleeting- they had come on sale during my rhinoplasty and were sold out by the time that I was coherent enough to check Net- A- Porter (I feel I should be excused for medical purposes and allowed to skip the queue and their next release). HOWEVER on closer inspection my sadness turned to appreciation. I feel like I would have likely made a purchase in the heat of the moment (like a good sprinter I am never gun shy) and at least I have now had the benefit of time to reflect (yet another benefit of my rhinoplasty). Please take a look for yourself and give me your thoughts, I won't deny I am somewhat underwhelmed.

Of course I would appreciate all of your thoughts in regards to which one you would prefer.