Saturday, May 21, 2011
Itchy and Scratchy: Rhinoplasty Day 3
Today is day three of my rhinoplasty recovery and as you can tell my the title I am itchy AND scratchy. I am DYING to itch my nose. It's unreal. I am trying to just itch underneath the cast ever so slightly but it just makes me want to make like my dog and rub my nose all over the coarsest carpet I can find in the house. To add insult to injury I can also feel everything that ever was in my nose slowly dripping down at the speed of molasses. Again I just want to blow my nose as hard as I possibly can but I'm not allowed.
I would characterize today as being a day of discomfort rather than pain (if you ignore the foul stinging in my throat after every time I swallow... thanks tube!).